Before now,
I considered myself knowledgeable on the expenses of funerals and burials
based on my Google searches.
I stayed up all night
cramming for this exchange
as if it were an exam.
Fixing my gaze on my sister when she says “God Damn”
as we walk into the funeral home.
Refusing to sit down because in my mind
I’m accepting what’s taking place.
Would you like any water or tea?
Essentially, we’re here to put a value on the celebration of my mothers life,
attaching five digits to her remains,
and pleasing family members’
that I didn’t know were family.
I’m so sorry for your loss, this must be a troubling time for you…
360ing the room, taking note of examples:
Wooden hearts
with engraved faces and dates,
stainless steel urns, glass plates.
Do the families know that their grandparents are in these brochures?
Slowly recognizing that they’ve made
dying a million dollar business.
Please sign here, here, and here…
We’ll meet back here Monday when you have the full payment.